Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Week 1 discussion Introduction to Forensic Psychology

Week 1 discussion Introduction to Forensic Psychology

Q What topics in this course are you most interested in learning about? What myths about Forensic Psychology do you hope to dispel?

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It can be said that the most interesting topic for learning about the Forensic Psychology is regarding the overall concepts of mind and human behavior which has always been to my interest and I am looking forward to learning some interesting information that can be provided for these topics. I am also looking forward for some history and different elements of criminal psychology that includes the overall development of psychopaths. I have never studied much about the criminal psychology so I am looking forward to the different cases that will be discussed within the course that will give a better understanding of the major crimes and the psychological connection with it.